Poured Floor Insulation
Alpha Flow Screeds have recently applied their enormous wealth of experience in flooring to this new concept in floor insulation.
Laying insulation boards over subfloors can be a difficult and tedious task. Subfloors are often uneven; cutting round first-fix pipes is arduous and time consuming: ensuring the boards are solidly supported by the subfloor is often difficult to achieve.
With our poured TLA Insulation however, these problems are completely eliminated.
Ultra Low Weight
Installed density as low as 130 kg/m²
Less CO2 Impact
Floor solutions with up to 80% less cement, reducing CO2
Faster Projects
Drying time of 1cm per day under normal conditions

Ground Floor Insulation
Energystore TLA can achieve thermal conductivity as low as 0.043 Wm-1 K-1, enabling projects to achieve their energy conservation requirements. energystore TLA can be applied directly on top of the hardcore, reducing the cement content in a floor construction. As a result, energystore TLA ensures floors are constructed in the most environmentally friendly way possible and significantly reduces the dry out time required. It is also possible to lay energystore TLA on top of concrete sub-floors and beam and block solutions.
Intermediate Floor Solutions
ENERGYSTORE TLA Pourable Floor Insulation provides a versatile lightweight solution for use in intermediate floors. By replacing traditional floor systems with energystore TLA it is possible to save a significant weight while meeting the loading requirements of the floor. energystore TLA has lightweight, thermal and acoustic benefits which can lead to savings on structural design, reduce the need for insulation boards beneath underfloor heating systems and may lead to reduced costs of meeting acoustic requirements. The system will also lead to quicker floor drying times and significant co2 savings as a result of reduced structural requirements and cement.

Roof Insulation Solutions
Energystore TLA can be used in flat and sloped roofing designs enabling lightweight, insulated solutions. It is possible to apply waterproofing applications direct to energystore TLA creating a very effective bonded structure.
& Void filler
Among other applications, energystore TLA is used as a lightweight solution for balconies, as a void filler and a self-levelling solution for uneven floors. energystore TLA provides solutions for many projects.